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Python GUI for the quick processing, analysis and plotting of differential dynamic microscopy data

Basic workflow with DDMSoft

We have used DDMSoft extensively in our differential dynamic microscopy routine, and we think that our workflow has become quite efficient. The main lines are as follows:

You may then switch to DDMSoft and refer to the image below.


The next steps depend on what you are doing. Here are some examples:

Examples of DDM results obtained with DDMSoft

Sizing of microgels at different temperatures

Using a temperature-controlled sample holder on the microscope, we replicated the DLS results of the temperature dependence of some of our microgels. Image

Sizing using the structure appearing at high concentration

DDM yields not only a correlation function at each wavenumber, but also an amplitude. This amplitude can be used to extract the structure factor that appears at high concentrations. We managed to recover the size of a microgel using this technique. Image

Fitting concentrated samples

DDM does not fear multiple scattering as much as DLS, thereby accurate correlation can be extracted off very concentrated samples. These can then be fitted with the appropriate models describing the different timescales of the diffusion. Image

(More to come after the paper is published)